I can't believe it has been a year since this precious little guy entered this world! I still feel so incredibly blessed to have been there to capture every moment. I had seen a post from a fellow photographer on Facebook who was looking for a backup photographer for a birth story that she had coming up. I responded that I would be available, she proceeded to inform me that she would call me when the time came, and that mom wanted the whole thing documented.

I got the call a few nights later that labor had started so I grabbed my gear and headed out. When I arrived at the home I couldn't had been more surprised to walk in and see my dear friend Treya and her family. I had recently met Treya thru the Cache Valley Photographers Club and she had gone on to take my portraits class at the Cache Valley Center for the Arts. So, we had been getting to know each other pretty well and had gotten relatively close over that short amount of time.

We greeted each other briefly as labor was progressing and I was introduced to her amazing support team. It was incredibly to see everyone so focused on her and the baby. The room was filled with so much love! Even her adorable son and soon to be big brother Oliver joined in supporting his mama. Who by the way was my new best friend since the weeks before I had given him some Gold Fish while at a Cache Valley Photographers Club event.

It was one of those moments in my career I’ll never forget. I knew I was right where I belonged doing exactly what I should be doing. I felt so privileged, so honored to witness this new little being born. I was preserving a time in history for this family and it was incredible!